Livestreaming to Reallusion iClone

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This article details the steps for live-streaming your motion data directly into Reallusion iClone. 

Rokoko Studio settings

  • Go to the Livestreaming tab and click on the check-box next to the Reallusion iClone logo.

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 09.57.27.png

  • Ensure that the IP address and Port number match their counterparts in iClone.


iClone settings

  • In iClone, open the Motion LIVE plugin from the Plugins drop down menu. If you haven't yet downloaded the plugin, you can do so here

  • In the Motion LIVE panel, there should be an option for Rokoko Studio, called Rokoko. Set the port number to match the port number you are forwarding from Studio, and enable the connection. Head to the Body section under the Character List. Then choose the Rokoko connection and check the box.

  • Now click preview, then space and see the character being animated.

Streaming Face data to iClone

Live streaming face data captured by our app (Rokoko Remote) from Rokoko Studio Live to iClone is unfortunately not supported in Reallusion’s Motion Live plugin. We currently only support live face data streaming in our Unreal, Unity and Blender plugins. 

You can use Reallusion’s own face tracking app and combine it with the data from the Smartsuit Pro for live streaming or you can export the blendshapes as an FBX file in Rokoko Studio and then import it into iClone.

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