Setting Up Face Capture in Rokoko Legacy

Who is this article relevant to?

This article is for Smartsuit Pro I users who wish to use Face Capture in Rokoko Legacy. Please click here for information on setting up Face Capture in Rokoko Studio with your Smartsuit Pro II.



Below is a step-by-step guide for users who want to learn how to setup and use Face Capture inside of Rokoko Studio Legacy. First, make sure you have checked the requirements. If you are a Smartsuit Pro II user wishing to set up Face Capture, please click here. 


Setting up Face capture in Studio Legacy

  1. Launch Rokoko Studio Legacy and enter a project/scene. NOTE: Make sure that your phone is connected to the same network as the computer running Studio Legacy.
  2. Launch the Rokoko Remote app on your iPhone X (or newer). If you haven't downloaded it, you can do so here.
  3. Click on the two lines in right-top of Rokoko Remote.mceclip1.png
  4. In "Pair Address", type your computer's IP. Click here to see how to find your computer 's IP.
  5. To the right of your phone name in Studio, click the ‘Connect‘ button.mceclip2.png
  6. Tap the ‘Accept‘ button to connect your phone to Studio.mceclip3.png
  7. Once you tap ‘Accept‘, the screen should show you that your phone is now connected to Studio.
  8. Tap the slider button to enable ‘Facial capture‘ on your phone.mceclip4.png
    • When you tap the slider button, a prompt will appear asking if you would like "Rokoko Remote" to access the camera on your phone. 
      • Tap ‘OK‘.  mceclip5.png mceclip6.png
  9. To disconnect Face Capture, you can:
    • Click the ‘Disconnect‘ button inside of Studio
    • Tap the slider button inside of Rokoko Remote to disable it
    • Close out of Rokoko Remote


Rokoko Remote UI

  • The Red circular button is the record button. It allows you to start and stop recordings within Studio.
  • The button to the left of the red circle is the ‘Straight Pose‘ button. When you have a suit live in Studio, this button enables the straight pose countdown. 


  • The slider button to the right of the red circle is the enable ‘Facial capture ‘ button. When it is green that means Facial capture is enabled, when it is black that means Facial capture is disabled.

  • The button with the face on the right of the app screen allows you to toggle between "Mesh only" view and "Mesh and camera" view.


  • The button at the top right of Rokoko Remote app is your settings. You can view Connection details, About Rokoko Remote and Help and support here.


Record and Export Face Capture Data

  • Before proceeding, make sure to assign your face capture scene object to an Actor Profile
    • Drag and drop the Face Capture icon listed under ‘Unpair inputs‘ on top of an Actor Profile listed under ‘Scene object‘
    • NOTE: If you need to unpair a scene object, hover your cursor over the arrow connecting the scene object to the actor profile and click the ‘X‘  button
  • Either in Studio or Rokoko Remote, press the Red circle to start recording
    • Press this button again to stop recording
  • Once you finish recording, the Take will be saved and be displayed on the left panel
    • NOTE: All Takes that contain Facial Capture data will have a face icon to the right of it
  • Double-click the Take to open it and playback the recorded animation
  • On the playback controls panel, from the left to right you can:
    • Adjust the playback speed of the animation
    • Go to start frame
    • Go one frame back / Hold shift and click this to go 10 frames back
    • Stop playback
    • Start / Stop Recording
    • Play animation
    • Go one frame forward / Hold shift and click this to go 10 frames forward
    • Go to end frame
    • Toggle playback Looping
  • When ready to Export your recording, click the ‘Exporter‘ button
    • The ‘Export options‘ window will appear
    • Make sure that the ‘Export face data‘ checkbox is checked
    • Choose the Export path by clicking the "..." button
    • Select your Format: FBX, BVH or CSV
    • Select your FBX settings: ASCII or Binary
    • Select FBX Version
    • Click the ‘Export‘ button
      • To find the exported facial capture data, click the  ‘Go to exports‘ button at the bottom of the left panel


Record and Export Face Capture Data

  • Before proceeding, make sure to assign your face capture scene object to an Actor Profile.

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