In this article:
How to calibrate when using two cameras in Rokoko Vision.
When utilizing a dual camera setup for mocap animation, it is essential to ensure proper calibration and accurate tracking. One crucial aspect of this process is the use of a Checkerboard pattern and a Calibration marker. These can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
It is essential to print those on a A4 or US letter-sized paper. These standard paper sizes ensure consistent dimensions and scales for accurate calibration.
When printing calibration materials for motion capture, ensure that you print them in their actual size. Avoid using any print options such as "fit to page" or scaling, as they can distort the measurements and affect the accuracy of the calibration process.
Printing the materials in their true size will help maintain the integrity of the calibration and ensure accurate results.
To achieve optimal calibration results, it is important to mount the printed Checkerboard pattern and Calibration Marker on a hard and flat surface. This surface should be stable and free from any folds, creases, or warping that may distort the pattern.
Mounting the calibration tools on a rigid surface ensures consistent positioning and minimizes any potential sources of error during the calibration process.
Camera calibration with the Checkerboard
Performing intrinsic calibration with a is a crucial step in achieving accurate and reliable tracking and measurement with your cameras. By placing the checkerboard step-by-step in each of the 9 camera sections, you can ensure that each camera in your setup is properly calibrated.
Remember to repeat the process for each camera, following the same steps. Proper calibration will improve the accuracy and performance of your camera system, leading to more precise and reliable results in your animations
The Checkerboard pattern is a key component in the calibration process. It provides a reference point for the cameras to understand the spatial relationship between different points in the scene.
Stereo calibration with the Calibration marker
Place the calibration marker on the floor in such a way that it's aligned with patterns on the floor or walls and make sure that it is visible for both cameras. Allow it to rest undisturbed until the calibration has successfully completed.
Calibration Marker contains a unique pattern that aids in determining the camera's position and orientation in space.
Ideal grid representation
To get correct calibration result the grid generated after calibration need to match perspective of the room by following the same path as the walls.
The direction of the arrow determines forward direction of the animation's 3D space.
The Calibration marker should be positioned perfectly in the middle of the grid.
Non-ideal grid representation
You will need to reposition the calibration marker and try again if the generated grid does not match perspective of the room by following the same path as the walls.