*Studio Legacy is no longer supported. Please click here to download the new Rokoko Studio.*
Universal Shortcuts
Left Shift + drag timeline - create a new region
Left Shift + hover region - access region options (rename, create take, remove).
Left Shift + drag region edges - resize region
Space - start/pause playback
R - start/stop a recording
A - move camera left
S - move camera backward
D - move camera right
W - move camera forward
E - move camera up
Q - move camera down
Arrow left - previous frame
Left Shift + Arrow Left - previous frame x10
Arrow right - move camera right
Left Shift + Arrow Right - new frame x10
Arrow up - first frame
Arrow down - last frame
Right Mouse Button + Drag in 3D view - rotate camera
Left Shift + Right Mouse Button + Drag in 3D view - rotate camera around the characters.
M - toggle mirroring in 3D view
F - Focus on character
F11 - Toggle presentation view
Windows Specific
Alt + Enter - enter/exit fullscreen.
Alt + F4 - close Smartsuit Studio
Mac Specific
Command + F - enter/exit fullscreen
Command + Q - close Smartsuit Studio