Joysticks in Rokoko Studio

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*Studio Legacy is no longer supported. Please click here to download the new Rokoko Studio.*

Information around joystick support in Rokoko Studio and troubleshoots for potential issues. 

Scenes in Rokoko Studio can be navigated around using the keyboard keys WASD. Studio also supports controllers with analog joysticks for navigation.

However, in rare cases, users using joysticks may be affected by specific hardware drivers. This means that the joystick use can make the camera slide off in different directions, making navigation in Studio impossible.  


From Rokoko Studio 1.15 and above, you can fix this issue with the following steps:

  1. Open the file <StudioPath>\Rokoko Studio_Data\StreamingAssets\Studio\Settings\advanced
  2. You might need to open it as administrator if the installation directory is inside program files.
  3. Assuming the <StudioPath> is the normal installation directory, then the path should look like this:
  4. C:\Program Files\Rokoko Studio\Rokoko Studio_Data\StreamingAssets\Studio\Settings\advanced - (if you have only ever installed Rokoko Studio.)
  5. C:\Program Files\Smartsuit Studio\Rokoko Studio_Data\StreamingAssets\Studio\Settings\advanced (if you previously had Smartsuit Studio installed and upgraded to Rokoko Studio)
  6. Find the line with the CameraJoystickNavigation entry and remove it. Save the file and close it.
  7. Restart Studio.

At this point you should be able to use only WASD to navigate the screen, keyboard arrows and game controllers will not work.

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