How to generate Log Files For Your Rokoko Devices

In this article:

Below are instructions for generating the log files of your Rokoko hardware - the Smartsuit Pro, Smartgloves, and Coil Pro.

If for whatever reason you are experiencing performance issues with your Rokoko hardware, our support team may request that you generate log files. These files will enable our team to remotely inspect the hardware, and identify the issue. 

Generating Log Files

1. Open Rokoko Studio and connect the device you are having issues with (Smartsuit/Smartglove/Coil Pro) to your computer using the external USB-C cable.

2. Click on Configure or Device Manager.


3. Double-click on the device that has been connected.

4. Click the Diagnostics tab followed by the Generate log file button.

5. Click on the question mark on the top right corner of Rokoko Studio and then click Open log files folder.


Please select the files in red, zip them and send them to us at! 



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