Rokoko Studio - Known Issues

Last updated Aug 23th, 2024 for Rokoko Studio 2.4.5 - Hotfix 2

Coil Pro

For information on known issues for the Coil Pro, please click here


  • We are currently recommending, and enforcing, not exceeding 30 minutes of recordings per scene, and keeping most recordings to max. 5 minutes.
  • Most actions performed on the Rokoko ID website are not reflected in Studio unless you restart or sign out and back in, e.g. upgrading your subscription plan, creating new teams or joining new teams.

Mac-specific issues

  • USB devices will not connect on Intel-based Macs (OS-level issue; not something we can fix)
  • Some users may experience that they need to allow incoming connections every time they open Rokoko Studio, and not just on the first launch.
  • On some Mac computers, Rokoko Studio may crash if you resize the window.
  • When running in full-screen on Mac, Studio will open up in the same resolution that it was previously closed in, causing black bars on the sides.

Device Setup & Configuration

  • If you re-install firmware on a Smartsuit Pro, where some sensors are in the bootloader state and some are not, firmware will not be re-installed for the sensors and an Error 37 will be shown. This does not break anything, but does also not fix the sensors. Please contact Support for help to restore the sensors - we're working on getting this properly restorable from within Studio.
  • Smartgloves cannot find 5 Ghz networks running on some channels, likely all channels at 52 or higher. As a workaround, use one of the following channels for now 48, 44, 40, 36.
  • Rare issue where rapidly toggling Boost Mode on/off can sometimes set sensors in a bad state.
  • Devices cannot always connect to Wi-Fi routers running on 802.11ax. Changing it to 802.11ac will fix the issue.

Offline Mode / Sync Framework

  • When you're offline, you can't see any pending changes to-be-synced in the sync status panel. These will show up when you start up online and the syncing process start. This is purely a visual bug.

Actor Profile & Presets

  • The upper and lower levels on Actor measurements (too avoid too extreme values) are not enforced when editing an Actor preset. If you set an out-of-bound value in the preset, then a preset-spawned Actor will have the measurements changed to fit the min/max values.

Recording & Editing

  • Starting a recording immediately after the devices are paired to an actor can lead to issues with the recorded clip.
  • When standing still and kicking one leg forward, the Actor can start to glide forward.
  • Multi-actor clips won't work properly when recording with more than 3 Actors.
  • When you drag or zoom in the timeline, the grid markers sometimes show the wrong values.
  • When editing foot locks, sometimes the partial post processing fails to successfully process the new locks and shows an animation that might be different from the actual. Press the "Finalize post process" button to reload the animation properly.
  • There will sometimes be a short lag/performance spike after calibrating.

Import & Export

  • The "Mirror Mesh" retargeting option may not work for some imported Characters.
  • Arm bones are missing when exporting to .bvh using the Manny (UE5) skeleton target.
  • Mixamo/HumanIK/iClone exports have the head scaled based on the actor profile measurements.

  • The "Export mesh as scene root" export option is not working properly when importing the asset in UE.
  • Exports that include the Newton's mesh have some skinning issues.

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