Smartglove shows up as a Smartsuit Pro in Studio and Serial Number looks corrupted

Who is this article relevant to?

This article is for customers who noticed that their Smartglove is showing up as a Smartsuit Pro or as another Smartglove (Left Smartglove becomes right and vice versa)

Which products is this article relevant for?


In some (rare) cases Smartgloves fail during a firmware update and they lose their Device Information.

This will result in either of the following:

  • Your Smartglove will appear as a Smartsuit Pro II in Rokoko Studio
  • Your Smartglove will appear as the wrong Smartglove (Right Smartglove will be detected as the Left one and vice versa)

If you open the Studio Device manager and you see that Serial Number is missing or seems corrupted (see screenshot below as an example), please contact




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