Who is this article relevant to?
This article is for anyone who wants to learn how to import their Custom Character into Rokoko Studio
Which plans is this article relevant for?
Plus Pro Enterprise
This page will guide you through importing your own custom characters into Studio, which then can be used to preview your live input and recordings on your own characters.
Which Characters can I import?
In order to import a Character into Rokoko Studio, it must follow the following conventions and limitations.
We may add support for more variations and extend the limitations in the future - be sure to request what you'd like to see on our Productboard.
Supported bonemap formats/skeleton naming conventions
- HumanIK, often used by:
- Mixamo (see note below)
- Blender
- ReadyPlayerMe
- Maya
- Motionbuilder
- Cinema4D
- Unreal Engine Mannequin
- iClone, used by:
- iClone
- Character Creator
- AccuRig
Supported file formats
- .FBX
Supported Reference Poses
Should be set on frame 0
- T-pose
- A-pose (our system will try to detect and convert this to a T-pose when importing)
File/data limitations
- Max file size: 512 MB
- Max polygon count: 300,000 polygons
- Is it possible to retarget Face Capture on an imported Character?
Yes! Face Capture is supported on imported characters from Rokoko Studio version 2.4.2. - Why do I get an error when importing?
An informative error message should be displayed, but it's likely because the file/Character does not meet the requirements mentioned above, or something is incorrectly setup in the file. - Can there be other objects in the .fbx file, when importing a Character?
Nothing other than the character should be in the file. Make sure to place it in root and at coordinate 0,0,0. - Can there be multiple characters in one .fbx file, when importing a Character?
At the moment, we only support a single character per file. - What content is imported?
Rokoko Studio will try to import the Character skeleton, mesh and textures, but there may be complex, custom materials and textures that are not supported. - What do I do after I have imported a character?
It will initially be displayed as an "un-retargeted" Character in the scene, in a "ghosted" state - similar to an unpaired mocap device. You can then have an Actor retarget to it via drag'n'drop or the right-click context menu on the Actor or Character entry in the scene outliner.
Learn more about Retargeting here. - How do I export or livestream my imported Character?
First, it will need to be retargeted to an Actor. Then it follows our existing visibility state conventions, as in that all Visible objects are exported/livestreamed, and Ghosted or Hidden objects are not. As such, ensure that the Character is set to Visible to have it included in exports or livestreaming.
Sample Characters
You can download and use our two sample Characters, Bruno and Roemer, to test out with. They are completely free to use, even for commercial purposes.