Who is this article relevant to?
This article is for anyone who wants to learn about the Rokoko Studio Filters and how to clean their animations
Filters are a feature that makes it possible to modify data from the Smartsuit Pro so that it is better suited for specific use cases. Below you will find some guides and tutorials for our filters. Some filters can be used live, others are for editing takes and can be used during playback only.
Filter | Live use | Playback use |
Locomotion | Yes | Yes |
Elevation Tracking | Yes | Yes |
Treadmill | Yes | Yes |
Toe bend | Yes | Yes |
Knee Pop Smoothing | No | Yes |
Live and Playback Filters
Live filters in Rokoko Studio will allow you to enable specific filtering, in real-time, on data received by the Smartsuit Pro.
To gain access to the Live Filters in Rokoko, click on your Actor Profile after pairing the Smartsuit Pro to it and then click the Details tab from the menu on the right side of Studio.
Playback filters in Rokoko Studio will allow you to enable specific filtering, during animation playback only.
To gain access to the Playback Filters in Rokoko, choose an animation and double click on it. Then click the Details tab from the menu on the right side of Studio.
Keep in mind that these filters are in an experimental stage and will consistently be improved. How significantly these filters affect your own Smartsuit capture data will depend a lot on your project, make sure to play around with them to find out which ones will work best for the motions you want to capture.
Importance of Post-Recording clean-up
During the recording of an animation, we may come across some drifting or some foot clipping into the floor.
By editing our animation's locomotion data, we can have jaw-dropping differences between the first and final animation.
We really encourage you to spend less than a minute and try a small clean-up every time before you export for optimal results.
List of Filters
What does it do?
- Locomotion simulates the position of the character by estimating when contact with the ground occurs.
- The keys for foot contacts can be edited in the playback (after a recording is made) to make corrections, allowing you to export a cleaner file.
Note: the "smooth frames" checkbox takes a few samples (value) of the calculated vertical hip motion and will average out little bumps that may occur when walking
When would you use it?
- Locomotion allows for jumping and running.
- Locomotion also plays a role when performing movements such as handstands, somersaults, backflips, and miscellaneous acrobatics.
How to use it:
- You can correct the keys for locking of left and right feet. You can click and drag a key to change the start key and end key of that specific locking duration. Green color for left foot locked, blue color for right foot locked, and no color (dark gray) for no locking. When both the left and the right foot is locked, both feet will be used on average to hold the position. When only left or right foot is locked only that foot will hold its position. When neither foot is locked a jumping arc will be created from the end of the locking to the start of the next locking. (sliding is currently not supported)
- You can place a new key by simply clicking in the left (L) or right (R) track below the timeline. You make a start key by clicking and dragging up or make an end key by clicking and dragging down. You can change a key type by clicking it (it will become green to show it is selected) and pressing "1" for start key or pressing "0" for end key. Double-clicking a key will toggle it from a start key to an end key or from an end key to a start key.
- You can have multiple start (or end keys) following each other but only the first of a kind will be used (see how the color of the track is unchanged). Delete an unwanted key by clicking it and pressing "x". After making changes to to keys in either track, the motion has to be re-calculated. Click the "Process changes" button to the right of the tracks this will take a short while, depending on the recording.
What does it do?
- The Elevation tracking filter allows the Smartsuit Pro to translate elevation during recording or during playback.
When would you use it?
- This filter should be used when you want to walk or jump on an elevated area such as a chair, stairs, or a box.
How to use it:
- You can use the elevation tracking from the live filters menu before recording an animation, or you can use it from the playback filters menu during the animation playback.
- If you decide to use it during playback, simply enable the Elevation Tracking from the playback filters menu on the exact moment the elevation took place in the animation and input the precise height of the object you walked on from the ground. You only need to do this once.
- Elevation tracking is a powerful and useful tool, so please make sure you check our Elevation Tracking tutorial for the best results.
What does it do?
- The Treadmill keeps the character fixed in a position in space.
- You can apply a horizontal lock only or a horizontal and vertical lock.
When would you use it?
Imagine you are doing a horse riding animation, or a climbing animation, in which you'd like a camera with a fixed distance to the character following it at all times. By enabling the Treadmill you force the character to stay in the same position. This will create a neutral position that you can then keyframe and have complete control over later in the pipeline.
Another example is if you have a performer running on a treadmill, you can isolate the runner's motion and then use it for animation or even do a scientific analysis of the motion.
What does it do?
- This filter helps with the bending of the knees as they sometimes can be funky without it.
What does it do?
- The Smartsuit Pro doesn’t have a separate instep and toe sensor; it has just one on each foot to cover the whole area. The toe bend filter imitates how the foot would normally bend when touching the floor.
- The "feet above floor" checkbox will push the foot up to ground level if it penetrates using inverse kinematics (Inverse kinematics (IK) means that when the foot is moved it will rotate the thigh, the knee and the ankle a bit, so that the hip position will remain unchanged).
When would you use it?
- When standing on your toes or performing movements, a curvy transition between the instep and toes would be preferred. A specific use case where you would not have Toe Bend enabled is if you when you are performing a pirouette (or most movements associated with ballet)