Rokoko Studio - Export options and file formats

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This article is for anyone who wants to know more about the export options and file formats in Rokoko Studio

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Starter Plus Pro Enterprise


In Rokoko Studio, you can export your animations using a variety of settings. For example, exporting to FBX format is available on all Rokoko Studio subscriptions although some specific settings require a paid subscription. Exporting in BVH format and in a 60 FPS require a paid subscription.

Please note that you can use the advanced export options only if you have a premium subscription of Plus or higher as explained here.

In this article, we will go through what each export option does and what it means.

Queue recordings and batch export

With Rokoko Studio you can export one or more recordings at the same time. The queued recordings appear in the top right list in the Export panel. You can add a file in the queue with the following ways:

  1. Right click on the file, in the explorer panel on the left, and click "Add to export list"
  2. Click on the box at the end of the recording name to add it to the que


Export formats

- Rokoko Studio can export data to FBX and BVH files.

- Rokoko Studio can export using various skeleton presets. To gain access to them, make sure Override Actor skeleton is enabled. This option should only be disabled when exporting an animation with a custom character retargeted from Studio

  • FBX

Body and face data can be exported in FBX format. The body data will be generated based on the skeleton chosen. Body skeleton is always selected and cannot be undone. You can choose to include a body mesh on top of the skeleton. The face data will be exported as 52 blendshapes as defined by the ARKit.

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includes skeleton character animation in the recording. This file will always be generated and cannot be disabled at the moment. This FBX file will also contain the Face animation and virtual production animation if they are available.


if this is checked, Rokoko Studio will generate an additional FBX only with the face animation data.

Body Mesh:

if this is checked, Rokoko Studio will also generate a body mesh in the FBX.
This feature is generally used for Unreal Engine user cases and people who don't have a specific character.

Data Format

choosing ASCII or Binary will produce an FBX file in the chosen format.

The version of the FBX file that will be produced. Rokoko Studio currently supports 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017 versions.

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Rokoko Studio provides 6 different skeletons. The user can choose the one that fits better with their workflow.

Custom allows the combination of the other skeleton options.

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FPS This value will change how many frames per second will be exported.


  • BVH

Only the body data can be exported in BVH format. The face data can be exported only in FBX format.

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Skeleton Options

Below we will go through all the Skeleton options when exporting. You can find sample animations in all the formats at the end of the article by downloading the ZIP file.

Rokoko Newton

Rokoko’s own skeleton, based on our sensor placements and anatomy. This skeleton contains 4 spine joints and finger joints (including metacarpals). Sample bone names:

  • Hips
  • Spine1, Spine2, Spine3, Spine4, Neck, Head
  • LeftShoulder, LeftArm, LeftForeArm, LeftHand
  • LeftFinger1Metacarpal, LeftFinger1Proximal, LeftFinger1Distal
  • LeftThigh, LeftShin, LeftFoot, LeftToe


HumanIK system is used for retargeting, skeleton definition, and working with mocap data inside Maya and Motionbuilder, but can be used in also Blender and other programs with success. It is highly customizable in its amount of joints and names, so our HumanIK template matches the “default” HumanIK skeleton.

The skeleton contains 4 spine joints and finger joints. Sample bone names:

  • Hips
  • Spine, Spine1, Spine2, Spine3, Neck, Head
  • LeftShoulder, LeftArm, LeftArmRoll, LeftForeArm, LeftForeArmRoll, LeftHand
  • LeftHandThumb1, LeftHandThumb2, LeftHandThumb3, LeftHandThumb4,
  • LeftUpLeg, LeftUpLegRoll, LeftLeg, LeftLegRoll, LeftFoot, LeftToeBase


Mixamo is Adobe’s popular online rigging system. Here you can upload custom models and Mixamo will autogenerate rigs. Mixamo has 2 different skeletons it uses, our “Mixamo” export option matches the skeleton you get when using the generated rig, not the skeleton from the characters already on the website.

The skeleton contains 3 spine joints, eye joints, and finger joints.

Sample bone names (these all have the prefix “mixamorig:”, when exported):

  • mixamorig:Hips
  • mixamorig:Spine, mixamorig:Spine1, mixamorig:Spine2, mixamorig:Neck, mixamorig:Head
  • mixamorig:LeftShoulder, mixamorig:LeftArm, mixamorig:LeftForeArm, mixamorig:LeftHand
  • mixamorig:LeftHandThumb1, mixamorig:LeftHandThumb2, mixamorig:LeftHandThumb3
  • mixamorig:LeftUpLeg, mixamorig:LeftLeg, mixamorig:LeftFoot, mixamorig:LeftToeBase

Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine uses its own skeleton format. It also uses an A-pose Rest Pose. This export option is best used with the UE4 Mannequin.

The skeleton contains 3 spine joints, eye joints, and finger joints.

  • pelvis
  • spine_01, spine_02, spine_03, neck_01, head
  • clavicle_l, upperarm_twist_01_l, lowerarm_l, lowerarm_twist_01_l, hand_l
  • thumb_01_l, thumb_02_l, thumb_03_l
  • thigh_l, thigh_twist_01_l, calf_l, calf_twist_01_l, foot_l, ball_l


iClone uses HumanIK and the iClone skeleton export option in Studio is developed for that.

The skeleton contains 4 spine joints, eye joints, and finger joints.

  • Hips
  • Spine, Spine1, Spine2, Spine3, Neck, Head
  • LeftShoulder, LeftArm, LeftArmRoll, LeftForeArm, LeftForeArmRoll, LeftHand
  • LeftHandThumb1, LeftHandThumb2, LeftHandThumb3, LeftHandThumb4
  • LeftUpLeg, LeftUpLegRoll, LeftLeg, LeftLegRoll, LeftFoot, LeftToeBase


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