If you see messages like Sensors in Bootloader mode or Some sensors are missing, please use the tool listed below!!!
How to Use Smartsuit Pro II Checker to Check for Missing Sensors
To check for missing sensors using the Smartsuit Pro II Checker and take appropriate action (replace sensor cables) if a sensor is missing. Use this tool if you get messages like Sensors in Bootloader mode or Some Sensors are missing.
**Step 1: Generate Log files for Smartsuit Pro II Checker**
1. Get log files for your Smartsuit Pro II by following this article
**Step 2: Input the rkk Log File**
1. In the Smartsuit Pro II Checker, locate the **"Choose File"** option.
2. Click the button to open the file explorer window.
3. Navigate to the location of the `rkk*` log file that you want to check. You can also drag and drop the rkk*.log file onto Choose File button
4. Select the `rkk` log file and click "Open."**.
**Step 3: Analyze the Log for Missing Sensors**
1. After loading the `rkk` log file, choose your Smartsuit Pro II model
2. Pay attention to the **sensor status table**
3. If a sensor is missing or unresponsive, it will be marked as "missing."** .
**Step 4: Identify the Missing Sensor**
1. Review the list of sensors in the report.
2. If a sensor is identified as missing, note the **sensor number** (e.g., Sensor 21).
**Step 5: Change the Cable to Fix the Missing Sensor**
1. Locate the cable between the missing sensor and its previous sensor. For example:
If Sensor 21 is missing, the cable between Sensor 20 and Sensor 21 may be faulty.
Please follow this guide on how to change a cable
2. **Power off the suit** before replacing the cable to avoid damage to the system.
3. Disconnect the cable between the two sensors (e.g., between Sensor 20 and Sensor 21).
4. Replace the faulty cable with a new or functional one.
5. Reconnect the new cable securely between the two sensors.
6. Power the suit back on.
**Step 6: Repeat for Other Missing Sensors (if any)**
1. If additional sensors are missing, repeat Steps 4 through 6 for each affected sensor.
2. Replace cables as necessary to restore full functionality.