Some or all of the sensors on the Smartsuit Pro do not work

Who is this article relevant to?

This article is for anyone who managed to connect their Smartsuit Pro I or Smartsuit Pro II to Rokoko Studio and noticed that some or all of the sensors don't work.

Which plans is this article relevant for?

Starter Plus Pro Enterprise
Sensors will not work for the following reasons:
  1. During a firmware update, some or all the sensors got stuck in bootloader mode.
  2. A cable is connected to a sensor is faulty or physically damaged.
  3. Sensors have lost their calibration values or are physically damaged.
During a firmware update, sensors can get stuck in bootloader mode.
This can, for example, be caused by unplugging the USB-C cable before the update has finished successfully, or if the hub was underpowered during the update.
This results in not fully functioning sensors that are constantly blinking green or lighting blue (physically, not inside Rokoko Studio) and are displayed grey or white in the Rokoko Studio diagnostics panel.

Below is a screenshot example of some sensors being unresponsive:

Things to try:
  1. Perform a power cycle by unplugging and replugging the power bank from the Smartsuit Pro Hub. Please try this up to 5 times. We recommend waiting for 10 to 30 seconds before each power cycle.
  2. If the above process does not fix the issue, please contact and provide the necessary log files for further inspection from our Support team as shown here.

    After you generate the logs, use this Sensor Checker Guide here to check which sensors are missing. It will indicate all the sensors that are missing. Make sure you use a valid file with only the latest entries inside the log.

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